Tisser Artisans Trust
Socially uplifting rural clusters by skilling women and reviving handicrafts
“Tisser India aims to provide sustainable livelihoods, income generating opportunities, and access to professional support to rural artisans in India.
Tisser is an ecosystem player that works in artisan clusters pan india and helps in supply chain integration, sets processes to empower artisans, streamlines producer groups and facilitates the entrepreneurial ecosystem by working with the producer groups.
Tisser has a network of more than 10,000 artisans, groups, and SHGs across South Asia. Working in more than 100 art forms, Tisser generates livelihoods for 1000+ rural clusters in 18 states of India with more than 1,000 products made using traditional and cultural art forms. Developing key enterprises in Clusters is an important aspect of the trust’s operations and is essential for developing partnerships and ensuring livelihood generation for artisans across larger catchment areas. Well-designed market-led products are key to artisans revival, and hence Tisser products are co-created with artisans.”